What areas of the brain do Flow2 and the DevKit cover?
  • 01 Aug 2024
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What areas of the brain do Flow2 and the DevKit cover?

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Article summary

Flow2 is designed to give whole-head coverage for most wearers with good uniformity. The headset is designed with 40 module locations.  If there are specific brain regions of interest, the headset can be configured  to use only modules that cover those regions.  All modules are interchangeable and can be moved to any position in the headset.  

Though Kernel provides a reference design cap with 12 modules in the initial shipment, the goal of the DevKit is to provide the ability to tailor the hardware setup precisely to your experimental needs. By employing a soft cap design that allows users to punch holes and install optical modules as desired, the Devkit can be used to optimize sensor placement for specific research goals.

The provided DevKit reference design covers the Prefrontal and Temporal regions of the brain. For more information about our DevKit see our Kernel Products page.