Changing the active researcher
  • 01 Aug 2024
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Changing the active researcher

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Article summary

Only one researcher can serve as the operator of the Kernel Flow2 system for the purpose of configuring and recording datasets. The ID of the active researcher is embedded in the metadata recorded along with the datasets. 

Additionally, researchers may only collect data for studies in which they are authorized. For these reasons, it’s important that the correct researcher is logged into the Kernel Portal whenever a dataset is recorded.

To change researchers:

  1. In the Portal, mouse over the Menu button in the top right corner, and click the Profile button.
  2. Click Sign Out.
    The current researcher is logged out.
  1. Click Log In.
  2. Enter the Kernel Cloud ID (email address) for the researcher you want logged into the Portal and follow the onscreen prompts to enter your one-time login code.
    For detailed instructions, see the Kernel Cloud Overview page.
    The new researcher is logged into the system.