Dataset (in)validation
  • 31 Jul 2024
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Dataset (in)validation

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Article summary

You may want to hide some datasets from view. For example, a dataset that was interrupted or otherwise rendered unusable during recording might best be removed from the list of datasets when reviewing the Study results. Hiding a dataset in Kernel Cloud is done by invalidating it.

Invalidating a dataset removes it from the default view in Dataset Lists. The dataset remains available for researchers (with sufficient privileges) to view, download, and analyze, as well as to re-validate if you change your mind.  

To invalidate a recorded dataset:

  1. In the Portal, navigate to the Datasets tab containing the dataset you want to invalidate.
  2. Find the dataset in the list and click it.
    The Dataset detail page opens.
  3. Click the Info tab.
  4. Scroll down to the Invalidate Dataset section.
  5. Type the reason for invalidation in the (mandatory) Reason Invalid field.
  6. Click the Invalidate Dataset button.
    The dataset is invalidated. 

To re-validate an invalidated dataset:

  1. In the Portal, navigate to the Dataset tab containing the session you want to revalidate.
  2. In the Filter settings on the left, enable the Include Invalid checkbox. 
  3. Find the session you want to modify in the list and click it.
    The Dataset Detail page opens.
  4. Click the Info tab on the left.
  5. Scroll down to the Invalidate Dataset section.
  6. Click the Revalidate Dataset button.
    The invalidation tag is removed from the dataset, and the dataset becomes visible in all dataset lists to which it belongs.