Dataset metadata
  • 31 Jul 2024
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Dataset metadata

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Article summary

There are a variety of metadata associated with datasets recorded with Kernel's systems. This includes unalterable details such as the time, date, and duration of each dataset recording, the hardware system used, the researcher who created the dataset, and so forth. There are also metadata that are editable; some that must conform to specific data sets or formats, and some that are fully customizable. 

  • Metadata that are customizable can be edited.
  • Metadata can be used to search for a specific session or set of datasets.
  • Metadata can be downloaded for an individual dataset.
  • Metadata can be downloaded for a group of datasets associated with a Study or Participant ID.

Each dataset contains the following metadata fields:

Dataset ID

Not Editable

Auto-generated unique value

Participant ID

Not Editable

Participant ID corresponding to the participant


Not Editable

User ID of Researcher logged into Portal during the session.

Dataset Start Time

Not Editable

Year/month/day/hour/minute/second/100th of a second

DurationNot EditableCasual description (minutes, seconds)

Data Streams

Not Editable

Name of Flow headset

Session Name


32 character limit (auto-generated by default)

Session Number


32 character limit



256 character limit

Task Name


Select from pop-up menu of preset Task names

Invalid Tag


Yes/no checkbox

To edit the metadata for a session:

  1. In the Portal, navigate to the Datasets tab containing the dataset you want to modify.
  2. Click on the dataset in the Datasets List.
    The Dataset detail page opens.
  3. Click on the Info tab on the left.
    The Info tab opens.
  4. In the Metadata section, click the Edit icon next to the Session Name, Description, or Session Number field and enter your desired text.
  5. Click the pop-up menu for Task to choose a new Task name from the available list.
    To learn how to create new Task names, see Adding Task names.

To change the Invalid tag for a dataset, see Dataset (in)validation.