Datasets overview
  • 31 Jul 2024
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Datasets overview

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Article summary

All data associated with your Kernel products are stored and managed in your Kernel Cloud account.

Image: Alert icon.
Data can only be accessed by authorized researchers.

You can download metadata about your datasets, as well as the recorded data to be viewed or analyzed using third party tools, such as Homer 3. Kernel also provides an API for authenticating and accessing your datasets directly from MATLAB or Python.

Whenever data are uploaded to Kernel Cloud, they are automatically processed and converted into a form suitable for analysis or visualization. You can track the progress of that conversion in the Timeline tab for each dataset. 

Image: Timeline tab of dataset page in Researcher portal.

In the Info tab, you can modify certain metadata and invalidate datasets. To learn more see Viewing datasets, Dataset metadata, and Dataset (in)validation.

Image: Info tab of dataset page in researcher portal.

The Pipelines tab provides access to prescribed processing tools available based on the selected dataset. For example, Flow2 headset data can be converted into a SNIRF file using the SNIRF: Moments pipeline. To learn more, see Downloading datasets.

Image: Pipelines tab of dataset page in Researcher Portal.